Request for access to IBRH3AU Biospecimens

The Biospecimen Catalog

Request to access Biospecimens

Your request goes to/through the Biospecimen Access Committee which reviews the request and provides timely feedback to your request.

Why Us?

We are trusted by many leading biomedical companies and academic institutions for providing quality Biospecimens needed for diagnostics, health care or basic research.

Our Location

Makerere University, College of Health Sciences, School of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Immunology and molecular Biology, Kampala, Uganda.

About the IBRH3AU Biorepository

Our mission at IBRH3AU Biorepository is to develop, maintain and sustain a state-of-the-art world class Biorepository for the responsible storage, maintenance, and custodianship of well-annotated high-quality Biospecimens and to make these specimens available to researchers for genomic discovery and other biomedical research.

The Biospecimen Access Committee

The IBRH3AU Biospecimen Access Committee (IBAC) will review and approve or reject all requests from the research community for access to the biospecimens collected and data generated at the Biorepository. The different studies/projects at the Biorepository generate a range of biospecimen sample types which are stored at the Biorepository. These samples are accompanied by a minimum set of essential data. The Committee will evaluate whether the request conforms to policies and procedures including consistency of the proposed research use with the informed consent under which the data or biospecimen were collected and any other limitations stipulated by the study. The committee will maintain records of all researchers who have been given access to the biospecimens and datasets for programmatic oversight and research purposes.

What the committee will do on receipt of your request

The committee will review and approve or reject all requests from the research community for access to datasets and/or biospecimens. It may request modifications in the request before approval. If necessary, the committee will delay a decision pending a request for additional information from the project PI(s). The committee must ensure that all requests conform with the policies and procedures including compliance with the terms of informed consent and any limitations stipulated by the submitting investigators for each study. Researchers who qualify to submit a request are defined as scientists or medical professionals employed at, or legitimately affiliated with academic, non profit or government institutions, or commercial companies.